This is an evangelic ministry that serves to deliver the Gospel and to lead others into the presence of God. Music is the primary tool used to carry out the mission; however, the word of God is the substance of what they do. Their responsibilities are to serve their God, their fellowman, and their church. And though the church is paramount, the evangelistic tone of the ministry requires them to reach beyond its four walls into places where there is a need for the Gospel. Their Purpose is to deliver the Gospel, to create an environment conducive to worship and to usher the people of God into the presence of God.
Senior/Gospel Choir: This ministry serves to provide an atmosphere of worship and to prepare the way for God’s word through traditional music.
SMB Mass Choir: Just as angels surround the very throne of God, the SMB Mass choir is placed strategically around the man of God as Levites – called to carry the glory of God and usher the congregation into His very presence.
SMB Youth Choir: Mark 10:14 says, “…Let the little children come to me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God.” We at St. Mark 4(B) are pressing to advance the Kingdom of God. Within our Youth Choir we not only offer song, but also drama and biblical teaching. The goal and aim of this ministry is to help our children understand and walk in the promises that God has made them, so that they may become all that God has ordained them to be.
Praise & Worship Team: This ministry is called to set the atmosphere as God makes His abode with the congregation. As a shepherd would lead the flock into green pastures, so does the SMB Praise Team direct us, through praise and worship, into the manifested presence of the Almighty God.
Praise Dance/Mime Ministry: The Liturgical Dance Ministry’s goal is to train, direct and teach children and adults to utilize their gifts to glorify God.
Drama Club: Jesus used parables to explain to us what He wanted us to understand about the Kingdom. Through earthly perspectives, we gain heavenly insight into the Kingdom. Our Drama Department follows the same pattern set by our risen Savior. As they act out real-life situations, we come to a deeper understanding of the truth behind the word that’s being spoken.
SMB Minstrels: Committed minstrels gifted by God to provide instrumental music for our worship community. These instrumentalists set the tone for worship and provide the elements needed for the habitation of the manifested presence of God.